  • 人文学科 & 美术


Budding writers find the creative writing community at 九州娱乐官网 inviting 而且有很多机会练习他们的手艺. 创意写作辅修课程提供 a carefully planned curriculum designed to foster the young writer’s creative expression—guidance that is significantly enhanced by exposure to the voices and visions of some of the 全国最好的作家. 每年都要感谢苏菲·可儿的捐赠 Fund and the Rose O’Neill Literary House, the College brings to campus a succession 杰出的作家、编辑和文学九州娱乐官网. 比利·柯林斯,朱诺Díaz, Nick Flynn, Jonathan Franzen, Neil Gaiman, Lauren Groff, Ted Kooser, Li-Young Lee, Colum McCann, Azar Nafisi, Maggie Nelson, Joyce Carol Oates, Claudia Rankine, Jane Smiley, Natasha Trethewey, Colson Whitehead, and Jacqueline Woodson are just some of the writers and literary scholars who have come to campus in the last decade to 教、讲、组织写作工作坊.

The Sophie Kerr fund also supports the justly famous Sophie Kerr Prize (at $63,912 in 2019, the largest undergraduate literary prize in the country), as well as student scholarships, library collection development, and professional development for 英语 部门教员. The Literary House supervises about 50 learning opportunities and internships for students, as well as provides a space where students can explore 印刷厂的活版印刷和簿记工作. 



The creative writing 小 can be achieved through the successful completion of 六门课程(24学分) 出席 六(6)文学事件.
质量注册表 参加文学活动
1. 103年英格:创意写作导论
220年英格 小说导论
221年英格 非小说导论
222年英格 诗歌概论
223年英格 戏剧概论

选项一: Three upper-level workshops chosen from those indicated below, as well as additional “专题”课程. (Recent “专题”课程 have included The Screenplay, Poetry in Performance, Poetry and Book Arts, The Art of Biography, Travel Writing, 以及写写自然世界.):

Eng 351/ the 351 戏剧创作概论
Eng 451/ 451 先进的剧本创作
452年英格 小说研讨会
453年英格 诗歌研讨会
454年英格 创意非小说工作坊
ENG 394/494 特别的主题


 选项B: Two upper-level workshops plus either one 4-credit course that focuses primarily on editing/publishing skill or 4 internship credits (one 4-credit internship, or two 2学分实习).

One course in literature offered by the 英语 Department at the 300/400 level 

学生 are required to sign the official attendance form at the event in order to 被记为出席者. 

Note: 学生 may count up to two courses (8 credits) toward multiple programs in 英语系(1.e., toward the 英语 major, 创意写作 小, and/or 记者、编辑 & 发布小).


The 小 in creative writing can be achieved through the successful completion of five courses—创意写作入门 and then any combination of four of the 300-400 level courses indicated below as well as designated “专题”课程.


A workshop introducing new writers to several forms of creative writing, including 诗歌、小说和非小说. 学生将使用经典和当代文学作品 作为自己努力的榜样. 在秋季学期,本课程只开放给 一年级学生. In the spring semester, beginning writers from all years may 报读eng103.

This course explores the rich literary tradition of received forms in 英语 and 美国诗歌. By studying a wide range of formal poems students will discover the adaptability of fixed forms like the sonnet, villanelle, and sestina. 随堂作业 will include both critical writing and creative “experiments” in poetic forms. 学生 are strongly encouraged to take 诗歌的形式 in preparation for the “创意写作 车间:诗歌.” 

This course focuses on the study of American poetry, fiction, and 非小说类 from 1945年至今. (The course alternates among the genres of poetry, fiction, and 非小说类.) Emphasis includes an examination of the work of major American writers 在过去的半个世纪里. The course is structured in a way similar to a traditional offering in literature with this difference: some of the writers whose work is studied in class will at some time during the semester come to campus to visit the class, discuss their work with participants, and give a public reading.

Analysis and practical application of techniques and styles employed in writing for 在舞台上.

舞台剧写作高级讲习班. 先决条件:eng351剧本写作I.

This course will use a workshop approach for students who are interested in developing their skills in a kind of writing which combines elements of journalism, such as the feature article, with elements of the literary, such as the personal essay. 此外, students will also develop their essay skills in the form of the personal 叙述 还有旅游写作. In essence this course treats the various forms of the essay with a special emphasis on the creative ways the genre can be interpreted and rewritten. 将包括代表性文章的阅读材料. 前提条件:创意写作入门. 主要针对青少年和 老年人.

This course builds upon student’s previous training in the workshop, asking them to hone their skills not only as writers but also as readers and critics of poetry. 使用 recently released, debut collections as role models, students will address concepts of diction, the line and line break, figurative language, imagery, rhyme, meter, and 叙述. Assignments will include drafting new poems, performing close readings 发表的文章,促进课堂讨论. 前提条件:创意写作入门. 主要针对青少年和 老年人.

This workshop offers guided practice in the writing short fiction. 使用建立 writers as models, considerable effort is put toward the objective of learning to read as writers and, in the process, becoming better critics of the student’s own 工作和团队中其他人的工作. 通过提供一种更亲密的熟悉感 with the elements of fiction, students write and revise prodigiously and, in the process, learn and practice a repertoire of literary strategies in preparation and in support 他们自己写的短篇小说. 前提条件:创意写作入门. 主要针对青少年和 老年人.